Photo 1: Dinner about to happen
Photo 2: Frank doing al dente a la Africa
Photo 3: Finely chopped, says the recipe_s
Photo 4: Camping at Ghonarezhou
Photo 5: Cobus, Gerhard & Foeta
Photo 6: Our malaria patient
Photo 7: Chilojo Cliffs
Photo 8: Group Photo.
The Outreach runs on its stomach
I want to talk about something tonight that is very close to my heart. Secretly it is something that worried me about spending three weeks on the road. Food.
I mean, I am a fancy dog. Eating cold bully beef is not my idea of superior cuisine. Make no mistake, nothing wrong with bully and onion from time to time. But then you’ve got to do it up. With a bit of herbs, garlic and so on. And you don’t want it every day.
Well, let me tell you something, making the simplest of food for 22 people on the road is not easy. That’s not what the kitchen team is doing. They make exquisite food on the road. The organisation is so good, nobody has had to pop an Imodium as yet. And who do we have to thank? National Luna, fridges that don’t leave you out in the cold. They keep the cold inside.
Variety is the name of the game. So much so that I started getting worried that the Bully Beef is never going to happen. But it did. Other nights we had dishes such as goulash, chicken curry, chorizo stew and rice. And braaivleis. Not just boerewors, but even ostrich fillet. We also had a snoekbraai one night. For lunches on the road, we have chicken pastrami sandwiches. Now really, what more can a fancy dog ask for? We’re on day 19 and had fresh mixed salad today. Plus fresh fruit every morning. Scrambled eggs, bacon, French toast, muesli.
Frank, you’re my man. And Elmarie, Wilaa, Gwynette and Marguerite, you’re my favourites. I’m moving in. Most dogs get skinny beyond repair in Africa, but I’ve never looked so good. Those bitches back home are going to flip.
Today was a good rest day. We just drove to the Chilojo Cliffs here in Ghonarezhou. But what a sight! Check out the pics. Tomorrow Theresa’s last group of ex-students are coming in. I don’t want to talk about it. The end of the Outreach makes me miserable.
I’d rather talk about what we’re going to have for dinner tonight. Tuna Lasagne. You see what I mean?
This is Buddy barking off.

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